Thursday, January 31, 2013


It pays to read our blog!  Here is a coupon for your child.  It is only valid this week for one child, so print off one per child in your family today!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Paul's Parley

This week our 2nd grade boys' coach for the 11:00 service will share in our Testimony Tuesday segment.  Please note that all names have been changed to protect the privacy of the children in our church.

In the fall of 2011 I became aware through weekly announcements at church that there was
a need for volunteers in Bible Trek. I felt a calling to serve but was apprehensive because
my experience in other churches had been working with Jr./Sr. High Teens. But despite my
apprehension, I decided to help where there was a need and began working in Bible Trek that
September. Throughout the year I still had doubts that was the best place for me but I enjoyed
my coworkers and the interaction with the children. God must have a reason for leading me to
this ministry. Then in May 2012 I was at a soccer tournament coaching and I felt a tug on my
pants. I looked down to see Jason* standing there. He seemed as surprised as I was
to meet there. He said , “Hi Coach Paul! I know you from Bible Trek! “ It was that day that I
felt God affirmed my place in serving in children’s ministry. I realized if I can coach sports at
any age level, God can certainly use me teaching and guiding the primary age children at church
too. Just that short conversation with Jason was enough to change my attitude and approach
at Bible Trek. I enjoy each of the boys in my small group and love spending Sunday mornings
sharing about God’s love for them.

*Name has been changed

Monday, January 28, 2013

Elizabeth's Expression II

Okay, I know it's not technically Testimony Tuesday, but I just had to share this story:

Yesterday during his lesson Mr. Stephen shared about how when he was in Sunday school he asked his teacher how you know what God wants you to do.

The teacher crouched down on the floor so he was face-to-face with Stephen, and said "Ribbit, Ribbit!"

You can imagine how your kids reacted to our coach jumping around the stage like a frog.  That's the kind of dedication it takes to be a part of Bible Trek - - comfortable enough to be silly in front of everyone!

After calming the "crowd," Mr. Stephen explained that FROG is actually an acronym for Fully Rely on God.  He wrote it on the white board:

From the crowd of little theologians, I heard the small voice of Hannah* (one that we usually hear speaking up in Bible Trek) say, "That's really cool because Fully and Rely both end in ly!"

Oh, my word!  Hannah just makes me so happy.  She says the funniest things sometimes, but she also is one of our most serious students.  She really understands Scripture and her role in God's story.  Last week she commented, off of another student's comment, "It doesn't matter what color skin you have [or anything else like that], all that matters is your spirit!"  She is so right, and Hannah's spirit is in the right place!

The other child who was speaking up during that conversation was Will*.  He said, "It doesn't matter how many legos you have, all Jesus cares about is your heart."  Boy, does he get it!!  Will brings joy to my week, too, as he sits up on his knees in front of the class during the lesson, and has a hard time raising his hand because he's so excited to give answers.  He doesn't just give one-word answers, either... he makes sure that you fully understand the answer to the question.  :)

Your kids bring so much joy to my heart and my life, and I thank you for sharing them with me!!

*Name has been changed

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Welcome to the Stage, Mr. Stephen!

Mr. Stephen will be teaching his first lesson this Sunday!  You're not going to want to miss it - - we're starting a series on the Beatitudes!

We can't wait to see you this weekend!!

Keep tuning in to our blog.  You never know when it may pay off *wink* *wink*


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Chris' Colloquium

This week's testimony comes from our very own Chris E.  Chris volunteers in our Bible Trek room during the 9:30 service on Sundays.  He leads our Kindergarten boys' group during that service and he also has started teaching lessons.  Please note that any children's names have been changed to protect the privacy of our little Bible Trekkers.

“I have a great idea”. I have said these words often, generally to the dismay of either my
boss, or my patient wife.

A year and a half ago, as a “baby Christian”, I had a great idea. I wanted to learn
more about what was in the Bible and what it meant. At times it can be difficult to
read, understand, and sort through. Adult Bible studies, with folks that have studied the
Bible for many years, can be intimidating. I had heard a lot of the stories; Jonah and the
Whale, Adam and Eve, Moses, The birth of Christ, and had a general understanding of
them, but I wanted to know what they really meant.

I needed to study the Bible more. Not on a 37 year old, husband, working professional,
and father of 4, level of study. I needed to study the Bible at a 4th grade or lower level.
I needed Bible Trek to teach me about the bible. I needed to get in the door and let God
work on me a little.

So my great idea, wife approved, was to volunteer as a coach in Bible Trek. Being a
coach has encouraged me to study the Bible, just a little more, and in a way to teach
the lessons at a basic level to the children of Northgate; a basic level for children to
understand, and for me to comprehend and digest.

I have been a “coach” (small group of 3-6 children) to 3rd grade, and kindergarten boys.
The lessons are well planned by the staff, and easy to teach to the children. The time
commitment is minimal. I have taught 2 group lessons to the entire class, K-4th grade
boys and girls. This required a little more preparation, but this was completely voluntary,
and is not required by any volunteer at Bible Trek.

In my time with the Bible Trek program I have gained a deeper level of understanding of
the Bible. I have noticed the natural pull that children have towards the Holy Spirit and
the Bible. And not only in Bible Trek, but also in my job as a Police Officer, as I interact
with children, often in the midst of crisis. I have seen children and adults in terrible
situations “light up” when I talk to them about Jesus.

If we, as Christians, do not teach our children what is expected of them, then the world
will. I encourage you to learn a little more about the Bible Trek program at Northgate. If
you would like to help, then volunteer, you will not regret it.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Elizabeth's Experssion (Testimony Tuesday)

We are going to start doing something called "Testimony Tuesday."  This will be the day that one of our coaches posts a testimony from either their own lives or Bible Trek.  The kids in this ministry are such a testimony to each of us every week, and unfortunately we don't always have a chance to share our stories with you parents week-to-week.  We won't be using any of the kids' names, but we'll try to let you know personally when there is a post about something your child said or did so you can share in the joy that your child brings to us.

This week I would like to share about our wonderful coaches, and what a blessing each of them has been to this ministry as well as to me personally.

This is my fourth year with our children's ministry, and my third year directing.  I can't tell you what a blessing and a privilege it has been to be a part of something so life-changing and rewarding.  Throughout my time in this ministry, I have seen lives being changed, spirits being renewed, and hearts being turned toward Christ.  Each year we ask children to commit their lives to Christ.  Last year we had 42 first-time commitments to the Lord.  This is not because we have a great curriculum or a fantastic room (although we are so grateful for them, and they do play a major role in this ministry), it's because of the leaders who step up and volunteer their time to your children.

Mr. Rick is my right-hand man.  I don't think that's exactly what he signed up for, but it's what he is.  What a wonderful leader he is!  Rick works very hard for this ministry.  He does lots of work at home for our slide shows and videos (he makes all the videos and slide shows for Bible Trek).  Not only does he do behind-the-scenes work, but Rick also takes over teaching lessons whenever he can, and leading Bible Trek when I'm away.  I am so thankful for Rick!
Ms. Heather has recently stepped up to start teaching and joined our Leadership Team.  Her energy and enthusiasm light up the room!!  Heather advocates for our children with special needs, which is a huge help to us as we strive to provide an inclusive setting for our youngsters as they learn about Jesus.  Heather is a huge blessing to our ministry.
Ms. Rachel is one of our high school helpers.  She has such a warm heart for our girls.  She is extremely loving toward your kids when she is in Bible Trek.  We just love her!
Ms. Katherine is the love of your young girls.  Seriously, they gravitate toward her.  And I don't blame them!  She is one of the sweetest, most down-to-earth people I have ever met.  I am privileged to know her, and your kids are so fortunate to have her as a leader!
Ms. Katie is another one of our young women volunteers toward whom the little girls gravitate.  She always, always has a smile on her face - and it lights up the room!  Katie seems to always have a happy story to tell.  I see her brighten the days of our coaches each week, as well as the days of our kids.  She is an absolute joy to have in Bible Trek!
Ms. Tammy stepped out of her comfort zone to help out with Bible Trek, and I'm so glad she did!!  Tammy is a wonderful help at our sign-in table, and does a fantastic job making sure our kids get signed in properly.  She is more than willing to jump in and help wherever she can, and the girls in her group adore her!  They're not alone - us coaches adore her, too!
Mr. Steve always has a smile on his face.  He is warm and loving, and provides a great example of what the young boys should aspire to be when they grow up.  That's exactly what young men need to see!  Steve is another coach who helps out wherever he can and always has a child close by.  The kids love him, and so do the adults!  He brightens our days.
Mr. Stephen is a wonderful example for our young boys to look up to.  He is sweet and fun to be around.  One of the things that has most impresses me about Stephen is that even though he doesn't always have boys in his group, he consistently comes ready to serve - - and finds a place for himself on those days that no first grade boys come.  He has a servant's heart!
Mr. Chris E. has recently stepped up to the platform and started teaching lessons.  The kids love it when he teaches, and so do I!  He does a fantastic job helping the kids understand the Bible, and what it means for them in their own lives.  This carries on into his small group, as well.  Chris is always able to find ways to explain biblical principles in a way that his young boys can understand.  He's great!
Mr. Chris C. is a very committed volunteer.  He worked with us for a year, then followed our Bible Trek ministry to South Campus.  Now that there is no Bible Trek at South, he has returned to us - - but he faithfully continues to support the ministries at South campus as well.  Chris draws the boys in his group in to the story of the Bible, helping them to understand their place in God's story more clearly.  He is an engaging story-teller, and teacher.
Mr. John cares a great deal for your older boys.  He coaches our 4th grade boys, and it's the perfect place for him because he comes prepared to answer the toughest of questions.  John is a great inspiration to me as a Christian, and he is a wonderful example for the boys in Bible Trek.
Mr. Jeffery is one of our helpers in Bible Trek.  He helps out with the 4th grade boys and has seemed to cultivate some very meaningful relationships with the kids.  Whenever I ask for a coach volunteer, the boys in his group want him to volunteer!
Mr. Alex runs our slide shows during worship and makes sure there is always music playing between services for the kids.  He takes his job very seriously, recognizes the importance of what he does in Bible Trek.  We are very fortunate to have him on our team.
Ms. Jacky has been working with this ministry for much longer than I've known her.  In fact, she consistently is able to tell me stories about the testimonies she hears from kids in her group that make her realize she taught that child's father, or grandfather!  Now that is what being committed to seeing lives being changed really means!  Jacky has a heart for Jesus, and Jesus has given her a heart for your girls.  This year she has stepped out of her comfort zone to fill a need that we had for a Kindergarten coach (she is used to coaching the older girls).  Jacky has done a fantastic job!
Ms. Cate has a gentle and quiet spirit, and she is so very loving.  It is not uncommon to find a child in her lap or giving her a hug.  She loves the young girls in her group, and they adore her!  Cate's loving spirit is contagious.
Ms. Bea is our newest coach, and already she feels like family to our team.  She stepped up at a time we needed her most, and is very committed to impacting the girls in her group for Christ.  Although I don't know her all that well yet, I can already tell that Bea wears her relationship with Christ like a badge of honor - the way we all should.  We should all strive to be more like Bea.
Ms. Dulcie - what can I say about her that you can't tell by looking at her?  She brings an amazing energy to Bible Trek.  She is always smiling, and is always ecstatic to be working with the kids!  She always (yes, always) has a child in her lap and she prays like she means it.  Dulcie is a fantastic example of what you want your little girl to aspire to be.
Ms. Lynn could do anything she set her mind to.  Lucky for us, she set her mind and hear on this ministry.  Each day she impacts lives for Christ.  One of the things I personally appreciate most about Lynn is that she always tells me what she thinks.  If there is something we can be doing better, she lets me know - - and helps me come up with a solution.  Lynn is an asset to this ministry.
Ms. Courtney "fires" me every week, and I still love her dearly.  If that doesn't give you a clear picture of who she is, I don't know what will.  This year in particular Courtney has stepped up and joined our Leadership Team to help plan outreach events for the kids in Bible Trek to invite their friends to.  She is also one of our leading coaches in memorizing verses along with the kids.  She has set a fantastic example for your Kindergarten boys.  Courtney makes every hesitant young boy feel so comfortable in her group.
Mr. Todd is new to our ministry this year, and I don't know what we ever did without him!  He coaches our first grade boys during the 11:00 service, and does a fantastic job.  The joy of Jesus shines through him, and his love for Jesus extends to your kids.  Where would we be without Mr. Todd?  I don't want to know.  He's great!
Mr. Paul has been with us for two years now, and he has become one of my favorite coaches (not that I play favorites).  He shares so many stories with me about the kids in his group, and how Bible Trek and his ministry in the program impacts them.  It is so encouraging for me to hear Mr. Paul's stories.  Hopefully he'll share stories on our blog sometime, because he makes such an impact on your kids!
Mr. Rob is such a wonderful coach that I turn to him when we have a new coach to train.  He is an excellent leader for us coaches as well as for the kids in Bible Trek.  He brings a wealth of biblical knowledge to his group, which is certainly not something we can say for all of our coaches (myself included).  Rob astounds me each week.
Mr. Bob is a newbie this year, and he's doing a fantastic job!  The way he described his job to me several weeks ago was that he is there to love the kids.  That is exactly what he does each week in Bible Trek.  The boys in his group love him, because he loves them!
Mr. Barry is very committed to the 4th grade boys.  He makes deals with them to help them memorize their verses, and he sets an excellent example for them by memorizing verses along with them.  Barry does a great job of connecting with the boys on a personal level as well as checking their understanding of the lessons.  Barry makes Bible Trek a more warm and welcoming place!
Mr. Charles just joined us a few weeks ago, and he is already an integral part of the Bible Trek ministry.  He helps out with Mr. Barry's group, and does a wonderful job.  We are so excited to welcome him to our team!
Pastor Gloria is extremely invested in Bible Trek.  Not only does she co-author our curriculum, but she makes sure that Bible Trek is running smoothly when I am not there, and she supports our ministry as an important part of the church.  We are so grateful for Pastor Gloria!
Ms. Donna blew me away last year when she volunteered to take care of our snacks each week.  Not only does she lovingly provide snacks for the kids, but she faithfully prepares many of the snacks by herself, either splitting them up into little baggies or sometimes making snacks from scratch!  Donna's ministry is a behind-the-scenes one, so she doesn't get much recognition.  But she doesn't do it for the recognition - she does it for your children.  Her ministry has been a huge blessing to this church.
Ms. Vicki is another behind-the-scenes servant of Bible Trek.  She creates our weekly take-home notes in a way that makes them stand out and help you connect with your children on a spiritual level.  Vicki's service to Bible Trek is one that I personally appreciate very much.  If she weren't making the take-home notes, I would have to do it - - and they would not be nearly as professional-looking or well-made.  Vicki does a great job!

If you would like to do something to give back to these leaders who have given so much of their time and effort to your children, stay tuned!  We'll be having a [semi-surprise] coach appreciation brunch soon.



Monday, January 14, 2013

This Week's Field Guide

Hi, everyone!

So sorry that we forgot to print the Weekly Reflections for those of you who came to first service this week!  Some of you were accidentally given the weekly reflections for last week.  Here it this week's, as promised:

View here on Google Docs, or see below for the text version.

Weekly Reflections
Today’s Lesson: When we are tempted, we are like Jesus. (Matthew 4:1-11)
Memory Verse: “Submit yourselves, then to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” ~ James 4:7
Memorize this verse for next week to receive a Commitment Coin to buy something from our prize locker!
Reflection 1: On the drive home... talk about what would happen if you did not submit to the traffic laws? how is that a reminder about why we should submit to God?

Reflection 2: With your together Matthew 4: 12-25. What happened in Jesus’ life right after he resisted temptations? Talk about how this might look in your lives.
Reflection 3: In your quiet time... make a list of your greatest temptations this week. How can you submit to God, and resist the devil in each of them?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

What Does "Condemned" Mean?

This week's verse is heavy with theology.  In fact, it is a widely debated verse.  The way it is worded can be difficult for us to swallow sometimes, but let's talk about it from your child's perspective.

This week's verse is: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” ~ Mark 16:16
If your child is asking the question, "What does condemned mean?" our teacher this week had a great explanation for you to use: it means not connected to God.

We talked this week about Jesus being baptized in the Jordan River.  Ms. Heather talked about how dirty the water is in the Jordan, and connected that visual to how dirty we are spiritually.  We are dirty, and we need Jesus to clean us.  When we choose to get baptized, we are choosing to let Jesus wash away our sins.  It is a visual way to commit your life to following Jesus, and to being reborn in Christ.

As your child is memorizing this verse throughout the week, help him/her to understand that Jesus wants to save everyone.  He does not want anyone to be "condemned," or not connected to Him.  If your child has made the decision to follow Christ (to love Him, obey Him, and to tell others about Him), s/he can rest in the fact that s/he will not be condemned.  But this is a reason to tell everyone we know about the love of Jesus, don't you think?

"What can wash away our sins?  Nothing but the blood of Jesus!"

Saturday, January 5, 2013

This Week's (Correct) Verse

Hi, parents!  So sorry, but we heard there was a mix-up with our Weekly Reflections this week.  The correct verse due tomorrow, Sunday, January 6, 2013 is:

“Praise be to the Lord, the God of Israel, because he has come to his people and redeemed them.” ~ Luke 1:68

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.  Can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!