Monday, January 28, 2013

Elizabeth's Expression II

Okay, I know it's not technically Testimony Tuesday, but I just had to share this story:

Yesterday during his lesson Mr. Stephen shared about how when he was in Sunday school he asked his teacher how you know what God wants you to do.

The teacher crouched down on the floor so he was face-to-face with Stephen, and said "Ribbit, Ribbit!"

You can imagine how your kids reacted to our coach jumping around the stage like a frog.  That's the kind of dedication it takes to be a part of Bible Trek - - comfortable enough to be silly in front of everyone!

After calming the "crowd," Mr. Stephen explained that FROG is actually an acronym for Fully Rely on God.  He wrote it on the white board:

From the crowd of little theologians, I heard the small voice of Hannah* (one that we usually hear speaking up in Bible Trek) say, "That's really cool because Fully and Rely both end in ly!"

Oh, my word!  Hannah just makes me so happy.  She says the funniest things sometimes, but she also is one of our most serious students.  She really understands Scripture and her role in God's story.  Last week she commented, off of another student's comment, "It doesn't matter what color skin you have [or anything else like that], all that matters is your spirit!"  She is so right, and Hannah's spirit is in the right place!

The other child who was speaking up during that conversation was Will*.  He said, "It doesn't matter how many legos you have, all Jesus cares about is your heart."  Boy, does he get it!!  Will brings joy to my week, too, as he sits up on his knees in front of the class during the lesson, and has a hard time raising his hand because he's so excited to give answers.  He doesn't just give one-word answers, either... he makes sure that you fully understand the answer to the question.  :)

Your kids bring so much joy to my heart and my life, and I thank you for sharing them with me!!

*Name has been changed

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